Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Introductions Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.


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Introductions Empty Introductions

Post by Paul Ackerman Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:36 pm

Paul had been in the Leaky, having a pint with an old mate who believed tea time was the perfect time for a pint instead of Earl Grey. It had been an hour of good conversation and a few laughs, and now it was time to head back to Ollivanders. He noticed that Slugs and Jiggers was open again, and it appeared to look not as dark and foreboding as it had when Lorcan D'Eath had had it. He had heard that D'Eath had moved on from the shop into the more lucrative illegals potions, but he didn't know if that was true. It wouldn't have surprised Paul. D'Eath had been even more unsettling than the usual half vampire could be. Surely whoever owned Slugs and Jiggers now had to be a step up.

As he neared the apothecary, he heard the chap who owned the cauldron shop shouting insults across Diagon Alley towards whoever it was that owned Slugs and Jiggers. He had needed to stop in anyway. He had a wand to repair that, for some odd reason had some fairy wings in the core. He didn't usually stock fairy wings because he rarely used them.

He stopped in front of the doorway of Slugs and Jiggers and glanced at the cauldron shop owner who was still hurling curse words and insults towards the shop owner. Doyle--that was the name Paul caught in between all the negative words. Surely this Doyle fellow wasn't that bad.

He made his way into the apothecary anyway choosing to ignore the bellowing in the street. Inside, the apothecary shelves were loaded with hundreds of jars of things. He sighed. All he had do to was find the one jar that had fairy wings. He considered using an accio spell, but if there were any jars in front of it, then he'd surely knock things off shelves, cause breakage, and then he would find out exactly how well tempered or not this Doyle fellow was.

He didn't see anyone, but if Doyle's workbench was in the back like D'Eath's had been, then Doyle might be in the back working. Perhaps.Or perhaps he was just in amongst the shelves where Paul hadn't seen him.

"Hello?" Paul called.
Paul Ackerman
Paul Ackerman
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 11
Special Abilities : Alchemy (wands,) Alchemy (devices,) Portkey Creation
Occupation : Wandmaker, Magical Device Maker, Owner of Ollivanders

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Introductions Empty Re: Introductions

Post by Edgar Albert Doyle Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:02 am

''Now you'll see, you bloody fool'', Doyle said with a villainous tone, as he was casting spells all over the place. It was six in the morning and he had just broken into the cauldron shop on the other side of the street of his apothecary. He bought Slug & Jigger's Apothercary a while back, not long after leaving Hogwarts. Again. It was a true bargain and it enabled him to both earn for a living, which was less important to him, and to experiment with potions, which is something he really loved. Surely, he would cause a couple of explosions or toxic incidents from time to time, but hey - you couldn't rush genius, could you? He redecorated the shop, especially his little laboratory in the back, and started having a blast. He wasn't all to good to the customers, some of them left cursing the day they entered his shop, but since he was a monopolist in Diagon Alley, he didn't exactly care. Well, he didn't exactly care under any circumstances. Period. 

One thing did bother him, though. On the other side of the street, opposite to his store, was a shop called The Perfect Cauldron. As if the name wasn't horrible enough, it's owner, a certain Octavius Blotter, was a horrible, snobbish prick who constantly complained to Doyle about how he should run his store and how his experiments decrease his income. He was also very, very annoying. Doyle tried to discuss the matter calmly (meaning, yelling at the guy, insulting him and ultimately ignoring his stupid visage), but the guy actually sent some guys from the Ministry to inspect Doyle's store a couple of times just out of spite. Of course, being a peace loving creature, Doyle decided to brutally retaliate after each visit, devising a more sinister plan each time. Of course, Blotter never stopped and Doyle retaliated even more. He liked that, if you'd ask him honestly, he liked the stimulative atmosphere and the challenge of plotting something more vile each time, but he'd rather spend time in his laboratory than deal with Blotter. But, some things in life were inevitable. Vendetta was certainly among them. 

After the most recent incident, Doyle devised a new plan that involved him brushing upon his Trasnfiguration spells. Early in the morning, he broke into Blotter's shop, which wasn't all that guarded if you'd asked Doyle, and decided to transfigure his cauldrons into guitars, sieves and badgers. It took him a while to organise all of that, but before opening hour, Blotter would be the owner of a very fine guitar and sieve shop, overrun by wild, hungry badgers. Of course, Blotter could prove nothing on Doyle, and he had already secured an alibi, which made this endeavour all the more fun. ''Good luck, you prick!'', Doyle said as he exited the store and went back to his own. 


The sight was absolute heaven. Blotters initial scream was something he would replay in his mind for months after and the scene of him, scared senseless, running out followed by a pack of badgers was pure delight. Blotter, of course, knew who had done that to his shop, but he could not prove anything on Doyle. This made the experience even more fun. Watching from the first floor of his shop, Doyle carefully observed and memorised every gesture, every word Blotter said and watched him, finally, trying to undo all of his spells. He would succeed, eventually, but watching him waste time on that was more than enough satisfaction for Doyle. 

He then heard a call from downstairs. Someone was inside the store. He was so immersed in his victory that he completely disregarded the store. ''Crap, someone might have come in and robbed me blind'', he said to himself and then stood up, limping slowly downstairs to see his guest. As he was walking downwards, a sudden thought came to his paranoid mind. What if the guy's another plot by Blotter?, he wondered. He slowed down so that his guest couldn't even hear him. As he came down, he peeked behind a shelf. Good, he's a good deal inside, which means I have space, he thought to himself and started limping behind the shelves so that he came behind the well-dressed, handsome-looking man. Good thing I put in new floors, otherwise I'd be screwed, that was the last thought Doyle had before he drew his wand from his cane (something he seldom did), grabbed his guest from behind by the neck and pointed the want to his face. ''Okay, fella, I don't know who you are, but if Blotter sent you, you better get the hell out of my store, understood?'', Doyle proclaimed and then turned around to see if Blotter had been watching. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Where is he? Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. He should be watching this, it's his game, after all! Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. And finally, nothing happened. 

After a couple of minutes, Doyle let his guest go. It wasn't any plan of Blotters, he was certain now. Oh well, the costumers are never satisfied with me, anyway, he could care less about the impression he left, even if the guy just went away. ''Welcome to Slug & Jigger's Apothecary! I am neither Slug, not Jigger, but this is my store. I am... sorry... I guess, but it was really a state of necessity. I have trouble with... rodents'', he said darting a gloomy look towards Blotter's shop, ''but that't not the matter at hand now. Can I help you anyhow, or should I just open the door for you?''. He grinned at Paula and returned his wand to the cane. 
Edgar Albert Doyle
Edgar Albert Doyle

Number of posts : 190
Special Abilities : Apparation, Occlumency, Legilimency, Wandless Magic, Non-verbal Magic
Occupation : Owner of Slugs & Jiggers; Potions Master at Hogwarts

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Introductions Empty Re: Introductions

Post by Paul Ackerman Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:36 pm

Paul hadn't heard a bloody thing, and all of a sudden some nutter had a wand in his face. Well, Paul had come to London looking for a life a bit out of the ordinary it had always been. This would make him rethink making such wishes. Maybe he hadn't known exactly what he was taking about when he'd made that wish. Who was this loon, anyway? Paul stood completely still and after a moment, the man let him go. He was glad he hadn't brought Maisy, his white Pyrenees. Maisy had come from parentage that included an average size mother and an enormous (even by Pyrenees' averages) father. She was quite large, and normally docile, but she did not like strangers and tended to be very protective of Paul. He was imaging Maisy taking a large chunk out of whoever was currently holding him hostage.

He stood completely still and said absolutely nothing, figuring that when someone had a wand in one's face, it was surely their right to determine the next move. He had told him to get out of the store but then had him hostage. Bloody brilliant. Wait. The man had called it "my store." Well, didn't that make it even better, then? Held hostage by the store owner for reasons unknown. He was going to make a mental note to go see the bloke who made all those tricky potions they used in St. Mungos and see if he could get his fairy wings there from now on, he decided. This man was clearly a nut.

And then, just as quickly as it had started it was over and the owner was now acting as friendly as he had been hostile. Paul listened as the store owner gave him some cockamamie line about rodents and then welcomed him as if nothing had had happened.

"Rodents, eh?" Paul deadpanned, not believing a syllable of it. "Too bad. For a moment I was hoping you were the one who gave old Blotter a bit of whatfor. He's been needing a bit of his own back for at least a year. And here I was hoping for a satisfying account of how it was done. But since it wasn't you..." he let his voice trail off deliberately and pointedly, to let the  this shopkeeper know Paul knew the "rodent" excuse was pitifully lame.

He was about to tell the owner what he had come for when he heard all sorts of wand fire from the cauldron shop, and he couldn't resist looking out the window to see a strangely misshapen cauldron growling and screaming and racing out of the shop into the street. He frowned and thought he saw the cauldron had the face of a badger.

"Go on with ya, then!" Blotter shouted at the cauldron, trying to fire at it and missing.

"Well, that's not something you see every day," Paul said, as the badger took off after what looked to be most likely a truant Hogwarts student, chasing the youth in circles in the street. "Your work? Or did Blotter cast some sort of wonky business?"  He aimed his wand through the window, hoping to not miss and hit the youth, and fired.

"Immobulus!" he fired, wondering if the cauldron qualified enough as living that it might be affected by the spell. The cauldron was leaping in mid air to try to bite the youth and it froze and hit the brick street with a bang, rolled around for a moment and then fell motionless and silent, as a small crowd started to gather, notably at a safe distance from the thing.

"Well, that'll keep it a moment," Paul said. "Seems one of us has a new pet. Yours or mine? You need a watch cauldron, Mate?" He sized up the potions maker and added, "Perhaps I should introduce myself. I'm Paul Ackerman, owner of Ollivander's. I need fairy wings--quite a few of the larger size wings if you have them because I need to replace a wand core, and I need them as soon as I can get them."
Paul Ackerman
Paul Ackerman
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 11
Special Abilities : Alchemy (wands,) Alchemy (devices,) Portkey Creation
Occupation : Wandmaker, Magical Device Maker, Owner of Ollivanders

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Introductions Empty Re: Introductions

Post by Edgar Albert Doyle Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:25 pm

Doyle like this guy. Whoever he was, he was a guy who liked fun and that was enough for Doyle. He smiled, mischievously, as the person spoke about his "rodent" issue. Well, in a way, Doyle didn't lie - Blotter was a bloody rodent and he preferred to take care of his rodent problems not the usual way. Certainly, the Ministry never did find anything, but having to deal with those halfwitted bureaucrats was horrible enough. And since he knew Blotter did it purely out of spite, because he (the blasted capitalist!) had wanted to buy Slug & Jigger's before Doyle burst in with his offer, he had to get his revenge. In a way, it was only fair, really. He was fighting. And he was winning. And he seemed to have a cheering crowd now.

''Oh, so you know my dear neighbour as well?'', Doyle murmured. ''Blotter's a nice enough bloke, if you don't hear or see him at all. In any other case, he's more annoying that those badgers that seemingly appeared in his cauldron shop. Funny enough, he has a rodent problem, too'', Doyle explained and laughed hard. Just was he was about to continue his story, old Blotter burst out of his shop, chasing away a badger, that was actually his former cauldron. It was an amusing sight that got even better when the runaway badger attacked a student. Doyle enjoyed it like a little child, but his fun was soon cut short when the new guy intervened and stopped the badger; Blotter had already gone back to his shop. Doyle made a sad gimmick of a visage and looked at his costumer. ''Now why did you do that?'', he asked, almost whining. ''It was a perfectly amusing sight'', he added, sighing.

''But just imagine the shitty excuse for a wizard Blotter must be when his only reaction to a simple transfiguration spell is - chasing it away'', he barked, ''the idiot is practically throwing away his own merchandise''. Doyle laughed. ''And no, I don't like rodents, really. That's why I put send them Blotter's way, not mine'', he added finally.

As the guy introduced himself, Doyle finally found out who took over Ollivander's. The guy had been dead and Doyle only knew that the shop continued to run, but he had no clue as to who took over. But, if he was Ollivander's successor, he had to be good. That much was certain. He liked skilled people and Paul Ackerman seemed to be quite skilled. ''Oh, so you took over the old man's shop. Blotter's giving you trouble as well? How strange of him'', Doyle remarked sarcastically. ''My name's Edgar Doyle, but people just call me Doyle. Or a horse's arse. Depending on the context'', he shook the guy's hand.

''Fairy wings?'', Doyle wondered. ''Did you know that the old geezer built this thing for me?'', he showed him his cane as he sat on the counter, waving his legs like a child. He took the top of the cane out, revealing his wand. ''Can you guess the wood and the core? I'll tell you it's 15'' in length'', he said and winked mischievously. ''And look, Ollivander made it so that I can use it freely without drawing it out of the cane. It's not that snobbish peace of crap Lucius Malfoy used to carry around the school. I seldom take it out, I mostly practice magic using the cane'', he added.

[OOC: As I presume you'll want to guess, his wand is 15'', cedar, Veela hair; if you don't want to use the info, it's okay, but I thought you want to know ^^]

''Wait, you said large fairy wings?'', he remembered. He stretched his hand and soon, a jar filled with large wings landed in his hand. Sadly, it was followed by a horrid sound of a million pieces of glass breaking on the wooden floor of his shop. As the sound was continuing to occupy the former silence, Doyle just smiled until it stopped. ''Oh, well, that went better than I expected'', he said. He took his cane and hit the ground with it once, exclaiming ''Reparo''. It seemed to work, as the broken jars seemed to put themselves back on the shelves. ''Ummm... mate, you might want to keep the front door open on this one. Just in case'', Doyle said. ''I just hope it wasn't anything toxic'', he muttered to himself. ''So, large fairy wings. These are the largest you can find... well, anywhere. I can't tell you where I got them from, because then I'd have to murder you, but I can tell you that not many people died so you can enjoy the benefit of using them. That'll be 12 galleons. Yeah, a bargain, I know'', he smiled,''but trust me, it is if you know how I got them''. His face suddenly turned very dark, as to augment the mystery.

''So what's your story, Ackerman, anyhow? I know you're good with wands, I know you hate Blotter and I know you use fairly obscure cores in your wands. What else? Wife, children, lover, illegal basilisk in the basement... oh, no wait, that's Hogwarts. Wrong timeline, sorry'', he asked finally.
Edgar Albert Doyle
Edgar Albert Doyle

Number of posts : 190
Special Abilities : Apparation, Occlumency, Legilimency, Wandless Magic, Non-verbal Magic
Occupation : Owner of Slugs & Jiggers; Potions Master at Hogwarts

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Introductions Empty Re: Introductions

Post by Paul Ackerman Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:22 am

"I know more about your neighbor than he knows I know," Paul said disdainfully. "If you're ever tempted to buy a cauldron from him or nick one from him? Don't. Do yourself a huge favor. They're dangerous. He doesn't know I saw him but, before fall term began, just before students came to buy their supplies, I was stepping out back behind my shop, walking my dog, and I saw old Blotter meeting with some really scurvy looking chap who had a big cartload of number 2 cauldrons. I heard them talking. Blotter bought that great load of number 2's on the cheap because they're not solid cast iron. They're just pig iron. He bought them for next to nothing and sold them at standard price and, I'm sure, made a huge profit off of innocent first years and their families.

"But you and I both know what will happen if they try to push those cauldrons up to a high temperature or if they put something volatile in those things. The cauldrons will explode and could easily kill somebody because of how brittle and useless pig iron is. I've tried to get in touch with the new headmaster at the school, but I never have heard a bloody thing back. And I honestly don't know who else is there anymore that might be in a position to do something. I tried to go to the ministry but some young clerk who looked like he was twelve just blew me off and sent me on my way. Don't think I haven't been tempted to go in some night and blow up each one of the number 2's Blotter has left. I did send another owl to that headmaster, hoping he'll find at least one of them."  He listened as Doyle continued to familiarize himself.

"Doyle. Or Horse's Arse. I presume that depends on what mood we're both in? I can do that," Paul cast him a mischievous smile. He always brightened seeing one of Ollivander's wands, and this time was no exception. "Garrick Ollivander was one of the finest men I have ever known," Paul said, taking Doyle's wand and holding it in his hand for a moment, always a bit in awe of seeing Garrick Ollivander's special pieces. "Cedar--so the wand believes that you're perceptive and quick witted. Hmm...the same man who thought I was crotchety old Blotter. I don't know..." He let his voice trail off, with a bit of a playful smirk. "The wand will have to do better than that." He examined both ends of the wand and inspected it. "Veela," he said. "So, veela hair tells me either you're well known for your social prowess and your flowing, cordial social skills, or you're narcissist. Which do you think?" He really did like this guy. He could see them becoming friends--odd friends, but friends, nonetheless. "It's a really great wand. Well balanced, and it has quite a lot of energy, snappy. It likely fires well and very quickly." He handed it back to Doyle. "And if the wand has picked well, you know how to fire it just as quickly as it can respond. It should help you to be a formidible opponent, and somehow, I don't doubt that."

"Blotter has trouble with his spells, I believe, because I've seen his wand. Chimera scales--bloody unstable things, and they're crappy wand cores because they can't be trusted. And it has a bit of acromantula web, meaning he's a greater lover of dark magic than he wants to appear. So you can make out of that what you want," Paul said. "Frankly, I'd be happy if he took his dark, untrustworthy self and go elsewhere far away from Diagon Alley," he said, not questioning Doyle's price. He liked the quality of the fairy wings, and he needed to get the wand repaired quickly, so he handed Doyle the twelve galleons.

"No, no basilisk. I left that in my gran's basement," Paul teased. "I apprenticed for awhile under Ollivander while I was a student, and then I traveled. I like watchmaking, alchemy, and making magical artifacts. No steady girl, not yet." He wasn't telling this new guy everything. "And my current house mate is a very large Great Pyranees dog named Maisy. Other than that, there's not much to tell, I don't think. What about you? Long list of broken hearts in your wake? Secret swiss bank account? I know, priceless art collection in the vault, right?"
Paul Ackerman
Paul Ackerman
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 11
Special Abilities : Alchemy (wands,) Alchemy (devices,) Portkey Creation
Occupation : Wandmaker, Magical Device Maker, Owner of Ollivanders

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