Girl + Broom = Troubles
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Girl + Broom = Troubles Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Girl + Broom = Troubles

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Alex Faraday Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:34 pm

Alex left the castle, one hand holding her precious broom - Firebolt. She hadn't fly for a long time and she tried to get into Gryffindor Quidditch team, so she found out that she really needs some practicing.
There was no one on Quidditch Stadium. Good. Alex sat on her broom and rose up. She started manouvering around goal holes*. Flying was really wonderful.

OOC: *Is goal hole right termin? xD
Alex Faraday
Alex Faraday

Number of posts : 153

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Re: Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Elijah Krum Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:53 pm

It had been a while since Elijah had been soaring across the grounds of Hogwarts and he would have been a liar if he said that he didn’t miss it. The feeling of being in the air was intoxicating and not something he would pass up if he had the choice. So, cracking open his trunk, Eli took his broom from inside and began to make his way out to the grounds. It was a long walk up to ground level from the Dungeons but Eli had picked up some pace seeing as he wasn’t as tired as he usually would have been. Once out in the grounds Eli threw the broom into the air. He jumped and his feet landed expertly on the piece of wood. He dropped down so he was sitting and sped off towards the pitch. He was getting used to the broom now despite not really using it as often as he would have liked. It was stupidly fast and not something that would be used in a Quidditch match if one could help it. It wasn’t exactly a registered broomstick.

Eli flew up behind one of the goal post and grabbed hold of the top of the biggest ring. He eased himself through and weaved his arms around the metal of the post. It was then that he noticed a girl hovering around by the rings. He was just casually sat in one where as she was on her broom. He waved a little and smiled. “Hey,” he said, not really sure what he was supposed to say.
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 4833
Special Abilities : Occlumens, Parseltongue, Animagus
Occupation : Owner of Eli's Fine Dining, Artist, Deputy Minister of Magic

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Re: Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Alex Faraday Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:09 pm

The broom stopped and Alex started floating on one place. "Um. Hello." she answered, head leaned little bit left. Her eyes investigated the boy. Tall, black hair... Seems normal.
Alex Faraday
Alex Faraday

Number of posts : 153

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Re: Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Elijah Krum Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:14 pm

He smirked a little and shook his head. She obviously wasn't very social or perhaps a little shy. Eli wasn't sure but he didn't care. There was always a way to make people to talk and that started with small talk itself. He jumped back down onto his broom and stood up. Many were quite shocked by how he could stand up without toppling over but he'd been flying since he could walk so it all came easy to him. "I'm Elijah, Elijah Krum. You are...?"
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 4833
Special Abilities : Occlumens, Parseltongue, Animagus
Occupation : Owner of Eli's Fine Dining, Artist, Deputy Minister of Magic

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Re: Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Alex Faraday Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:17 pm

"I am Alex. Alex Faraday." she said slowly. She started flying around that interesting Elijah, trying to figure out how he could stand up like this. "Gryffindor," she said then. "You?"
Alex Faraday
Alex Faraday

Number of posts : 153

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Re: Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Elijah Krum Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:20 am

"Slytherin." Elijah shrugged, not really in the mood for inter-house prejudice. He pictured himself as one of the nicer Slytherins but at the end of the day he didn't really care what other people thought of him in all truthfulness. "But it's nice to meet you. What brings you here? I would have thought most girls preferred the ground.”
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 4833
Special Abilities : Occlumens, Parseltongue, Animagus
Occupation : Owner of Eli's Fine Dining, Artist, Deputy Minister of Magic

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Re: Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Alex Faraday Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:00 pm

"I like flyin' ," Alex said, ignoring the fact that Elijah was in Slytherin. " I'm in Quidditch team, too. Beater. At t'e beginnin' I signed up as c'aser," - she started missing H-s - ", but t'ese were taken, so I picked beater. Good also." She talked more than normal. Usually she didn't even talk with her classmates, but now she was talking way too much. And way too fast. Fast talking brought out her scottish accent an deleted H-s.
Alex Faraday
Alex Faraday

Number of posts : 153

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Re: Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Elijah Krum Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:27 pm

"I play Beater." Eli nodded. "You have more of a Seeker's build though, I must say. Streamline, attractive -- both good traits that a seeker should have." Eli watched Alex intently. She interested him to say the least and she seemed to be a fairly decent flyer. Nothing special but good all the same.
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 4833
Special Abilities : Occlumens, Parseltongue, Animagus
Occupation : Owner of Eli's Fine Dining, Artist, Deputy Minister of Magic

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Re: Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Alex Faraday Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:42 pm

"Attractive?" Alex tried not to laugh. "Since what am I attractive and since w'at should seekers be attractive?" She stared at Elijah and grinned. "C'mon. My brotha was seeker. No sign of bein' attractive." Okay, not true, Desmond was actually cute -- from little sister's perspective of course. But little sister's perspective also didn't let you tell that someone.
Alex Faraday
Alex Faraday

Number of posts : 153

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Girl + Broom = Troubles Empty Re: Girl + Broom = Troubles

Post by Elijah Krum Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:52 pm

"Attractive." Eli nodded with a smile. "It's kind of a requirement, y'know? All seekers have to be attractive otherwise they'd never be let on the team." Eli stared right back, his gaze refusing to waver. "I'm sure to you he wasn't but that is definitely a matter of opinion."
Elijah Krum
Elijah Krum
Sixth Year Slytherin
Sixth Year Slytherin

Number of posts : 4833
Special Abilities : Occlumens, Parseltongue, Animagus
Occupation : Owner of Eli's Fine Dining, Artist, Deputy Minister of Magic

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